- “The Spirit-driven process is aimed at forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself” (Dallas Willard)
- This is about a personal encounter with God to experience skills to live with Him, grow spiritually, recognise our woundedness and to enter the process of healing.
- No change inside the disciplemaker equates to no change in the context around the disciplemaker.
- Our most effective testimony in disciple-making is the change that happened inside of ourselves. After that DISCIPLE-MAKING will be an automatic outflow – a lifestyle and not a programme.
Level 1: “Getting to know myself better to get to know God better”.
- Experiencing God’s unconditional belovedness in a fresh way.
- Living with Jesus personally and learning from him – in an interactive relationship – how to lead your everyday life.
- Discover emotionally unhealthy behavioural patterns – we inherited from our biological families of origin.
Level 2: “Becoming a new kind of Person”.
- Emotions are excellent teachers, but bad masters. How to disciple my emotions.
- My true and false self – gain self-insight why you do what you do. Discover hidden motives that drive your behaviour.
- The invitation to forgive. Free yourself from jail.
- Loving like Jesus.
Level 3: “Jesus doesn’t aim for fruit – He aims for a new kind of tree”.
- Inner transformation automatically flows into outward behaviour.
- Discover your operating system : Cycle of Grace vs Cycle of Works. Live from your belovedness and not from your achievements.
- The nature of the spiritual Disciplines.
- Living in the already present Kingdom of God – before you die.
- The gospel of salvation versus the gospel of the Kingdom. Practical implications.